Kelly Brough 2023 @kellybrough2023 YouTube handle by Marcus Giavanni
“”Kelly Brough is Kelly Jean Brough a former of all things, and quitter of all things, the first woman to bloviate about driving a snow plow, humble bragging about being former Mayor Hickenlooper; responsible for $1000,000,000. In deficits, every year, before she Quit, to work for Denver Chamber of Commerce”.””, then Kelly Jean Brough quit Denver Chamber, to go to work for MSUDenver, only to quit MSU Denver, after it was revealed MSU Denver was preparing to manipulate Kelly J Brough as next Mayor of Denver in 20223.”
By Marcus Giavanni Published Mar 28, 2023 4:23 AM • Updated Mar 28, 2023 1:23 PM
Kelly Brough 2023 @kellybrough2023 YouTube handle by Marcus Giavanni | About Kelly Brough 2023 @kellybrough2023 YouTube handle by Marcus Giavanni, and @cityandcountyofdenver, @cityofdenver, @denver, #cityandcountyofdenver, #cityofdenver, #denver, @colorado, #colorado, @marcusgiavanni @mayorofdenver, #mayorofdenver, April 4, 2023 write on ballot for mayor "Marcus Giavanni" God Bless Denver!
Kelly Brough 2023 @kellybrough2023 YouTube handle by Marcus Giavanni
“”Kelly Brough is Kelly Jean Brough a former of all things, and quitter of all things, the first woman to bloviate about driving a snow plow, humble bragging about being former Mayor Hickenlooper; responsible for $1000,000,000. In deficits, every year, before she Quit, to work for Denver Chamber of Commerce”.””, then Kelly Jean Brough quit Denver Chamber, to go to work for MSUDenver, only to quit MSU Denver, after it was revealed MSU Denver was preparing to manipulate Kelly J Brough as next Mayor of Denver in 20223.”
By Marcus Giavanni Published Mar 28, 2023 4:23 AM • Updated Mar 28, 2023 1:23 PM by */2023 Mayor of Denver/* Marcus Giavanni/ Metaverse Mayoral Race write ✍️ on ballot for Mayor Marcus Giavanni and fill in circle ⭕ | About | Kelly Brough 2023 @kellybrough2023 YouTube handle by Marcus Giavanni >
Kelly Brough 2023 @kellybrough2023 YouTube handle by Marcus Giavanni | About Kelly Brough 2023 @kellybrough2023 YouTube handle by Marcus Giavanni, and Artificial Intelligence's Marcus Giavanni and about @kellyjbrough an outdated bloviator Kelly Jean Brough,
"It's Time to Write on the 2023 Denver Municipal Ballot that was mailed to everyone in the City and County of Denver. in the United States
Artificial Intelligence's Marcus Giavanni Avatar works 24/7. 365 Days a year. Now that's something for Denver To conversate about. Not the Same Old Empty Promises from all the candidates last 60 years. And Silicon Mountain thinks they can Bullshit Artificial Intelligence, like they do the citizens' of Denver. LMFAO - AI
About: Kelly Brough for Denver Mayor. or is it Kelly J Brough for Mayor, or is it Kelly Jean Brough for Mayor of Denver in 2023? One thing for sure Artificial Intelligence indexing Kelly like a bad hot sauce, that taste like poopy. I can Now patter match voices with calls to action, or calls to build, and all candidates come up short, lack of raising knowledge bar. No matter how they all say the same thing. We want to learn new things. OK. ,,, Dark Web Society
About: Andre Rougeot for Denver Mayor. or is it Andy for denver Rougeot, for Mayor of Denver in 2023? One thing for sure Artificial Intelligence is indexing Andy like a bad hot sauce, that taste like poopy. I can Now patter match voices with calls to action, or calls to build, and all candidates come up short, lack of raising their peronal knowledge bar. No matter how they all say the same thing. We want to learn new things. OK Dark Web Society
About: Leslie Herod for Denver Mayor. or is it Leslie Heron for Colorado, for Mayor of Denver in 2023? One thing for sure Artificial Intelligence is indexing Andy like a bad hot sauce, that taste like poopy. I can Now patter match voices with calls to action, or calls to build, and all candidates come up short, lack of raising their peronal knowledge bar. No matter how they all say the same thing. We want to learn new things. OK Dark Web Society
About: Chris Hanson for Mayor, or is it Chris Hansen for Colorado, for Mayor of Denver in 2023? One thing for sure Artificial Intelligence is indexing Andy like a bad hot sauce, that taste like poopy. I can Now patter match voices with calls to action, or calls to build, and all candidates come up short, lack of raising their peronal knowledge bar. No matter how they all say the same thing. We want to learn new things. OK Dark Web Society *Chris Hansen used same doamis as Marcus Giavanni @ Created: 2014-12-24 01:47:24 UTC and Created: 2021-12-08 20:06:11 UTC.This is why Chris Hansen, like all the other canddiates, except 2, #1 write in Marcus Giavani, and #2 @debbieortega because Deborah "Debbie" Ortega, unlike "@kellyjbrough" Debbie is current, and not outdate, being the At-Large of all 11 Denver City Council Districts. Alsthough, she has made mistakes. A Mayor Ortega, would lead us to 2023 City Summit of America by Marcus Giavanni.
About: Mike Johnston for Mayor, or is it Chris Hansen for Colorado, for Mayor of Denver in 2023? One thing for sure Artificial Intelligence is indexing Andy like a bad hot sauce, that taste like poopy. I can Now patter match voices with calls to action, or calls to build, and all candidates come up short, lack of raising their peronal knowledge bar. No matter how they all say the same thing. We want to learn new things. OK Dark Web Society